PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, Sept 2 (AFP) -
Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova has completed medical testing at a US military hospital in Germany and the first results of the examinations were satisfactory, a government official said on Friday.
"All the medical testing that the president has undergone is over. The results are very satisfactory," Astrit Haracia, the culture minister and senior official of Rugova's Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), told AFP.
Haracia refused to comment on the state of Rugova's health or a concrete diagnosis after five days of examinations by doctors at the US military hospital in Landstuhl.
"We expect the president to return to Kosovo at the end of this week. Afterwards, the results of testing will be communicated to the public and we will see if he needs further medical treatment," Haracia said.
After reports that Rugova had a flu last week, he was flown urgently to Germany by a US military airplane for further medical testing.
The lack of official statements and a media blackout over Rugova's health condition after his transfer to Germany has provoked widespread speculation and pessimistic scenarios about the state of his health, including suggestions about the possibility of cancer.
"I am so happy the medical testing is over. I do not have any worries about the media reports on Rugova's worst diagnoses," Haracia said.
A long-time advocate of Kosovo independence, Rugova was elected president for the second time last year after October 2004 elections were won by his Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) party.
Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations since a NATO-led bombing campaign ousted Serbian troops in 1999 to end a Serbian crackdown on rebels.
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Nuk e gjene gjo keto!
Raportet qe gjendja shendetsore e tina eshte perkeqesuar eshte berre me qellim qe popullit t'i dhimbset Rugova (i.e. marrja e rolit te viktimes)
Ishalla t'kane thone edhe amerikant qe alkoolin duhesh me nderpre, edhe me u marre me cfare aktivitete (me ushtru detyren e Presidentit
Kerkoj ndjese qe nuk po mundem me u permbajte prej sarkezmes, se me kete njeri eshte veshtire te mirremi seriozisht, se ky nuk merret seriozisht me krejt popullin e Kosoves.
Me mos punen e tij, ky ne fakt eshte nje prej fatkeqsive me te medhaja qe mundet me i ndodhe Kosoves ne keto momente.
to the above blogger: Ti qenke krej budall more shoki, qka dreqi ke pi ti, "fatkeqsive me te medhaja qe mundet me i ndodhe Kosoves ne keto momente", mos harro qe ku i ka marr votat e popullit dy herë shoki, nese ty nuk te pelqen atherë mire boll, por mos hajde ketu e qaj si nje bebe i vogël.
U are a shame to our people, wishing the death of another Albanian, no matter his or hers position in our society, it is unacceptable to write it was better for him not to have survived. I sincerely ask who ever is responsible for this site to remove such idiotic statements!
You are one of those people that never succeeded in doing anything worthy in your life and all that has been left in your miserable life is to complain over the few true heroes that we have left!
U never complain over Thaqi, you might remember, the so called Albanian leader that instead of trying to create a stable future in Kosova works in ways only Serbs are know for.
Finally no matter what you try to put in to your fat head, there is nothing that will stop this great leader of ours from achieving his long-life goal of independence for Kosova, the same goal he lost his father to!
Qysh bre nuk po ju vjen marre me u sha neper websajta qe i lexojne te huajt?
Hajt te dyte shkoni me naj forum ku flitet shqip edhe shanu e qlironu derisa te lodhni.
Marre ju koft!
Hera e pare edhe e mbrame qe ju shoh duke e sha njani tjerin ne kete forum! Kqyrni shane njani-tjetrin n'Anglisht qe te merr vesh krejt bota qe dy shqiptareve ju vyjn tri parti.
Nese nuk dini forume shqiptare ku muni me u sha, atehere vetni edhe ju tregojna.
Mos te perseritet kjo ma!
Kryetari i shtetit duhet me u respektu. Nese armiku (serbi) nuk e respekton kryetarin e yt, e as ti nuk e respekton, ajo tregon se ku gjindesh ti.
Une nuk pajtohem me disa sende qe Rugova i ka bo, por duhet me tregu para botes qe jemi si gur i pa thyeshem se atehere ma mire i eshte me i thirre serbet me u kthy se ashiqare sjemi gati per shtet.
Fal te kofte!
Ju kisha lut qe te mundohemi mos te perqahemi ketu, ju lutem.
Ju faleminderit,
Nje Kosovar
Tung ,
Nuk pajtohem aspak me postimin e pare rreth gjendjes se presidentit , nuk eshte mire ne keto momente me shpreh mendime fundamentale/primitive rreth punes , shendetit dhe t'ardhmes presidentit.Fundi i fundit populli e ka zgjedh dmth nuk ka faj ai pse eshte ne ate post se nuk ka bo keqperdorime votave , nese kish bo ateher kishe pase drejt me e kritiku , po nkete rast ski drejt se populli e ka zgjedh . E dyta eshte qe postimit t'pare i kisha sygjeru jo keshille se na shqiptart keshillat si pranojna kurqysh , dmth sygjerim pot jap me e ndru menyren e mendimit , mendime si tuaja nuk i duhen kurkujt , keto mendime per mendim timin jon asgje me shume sesa mendime edhe ni t'pashkolluari kosovar.
Per fund sigurisht mendon qe jom perkrahes i ldk-se por pot kallxoj qe nuk jam , edhe kurre skam qene.Por realitetin duhet shqiptart me e shti n'kry edhe me e kuptu qe + eshte plus edhe - eshte minus , teori e thjeshte matematikore.
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