Saturday, May 14, 2005

Thaçi and PDK to support creation of Kosovo Forum?

Zëri runs an editorial saying that when it seems everything failed in trying to set up Kosovo Forum, the letter sent out to SRSG Jessen-Petersen on 11 May by PDK revived hopes that the Forum could take its place in the political arena in Kosovo.

According to the paper, there are several reasons as to why PDK may be considering its position on the Forum. PDK would not want to be blamed if Forum fails since at the moment this party is the only one opposing the idea, PDK has sufficient information suggesting that Kosovo has good chances of getting independence and thus would not want to miss the opportunity to remain out of the process and the recent visits of the Western diplomats to Thaçi conveyed the same message, and that is that both EU and USA remain strongly behind Jessen-Petersen in the view that Forum should have an advisory role.

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