For the time being there are no good reasons for the Kosmet [KosovoMetohija] Serbs to enter the Kosovo provisional self-government institutions. The situation in Kosmet is unstable, the Serbs continue to be the most threatened national community in Europe. It is a fact that, nevertheless, the international community has, back since the elections for the Kosovo Assembly, continually been putting pressure on the Serbs and official Belgrade to have the Kosmet Serbs enter the provisional institutions. Official Belgrade's answer has been: "No" until significant results are achieved in Vienna in terms of decentralization, Aleksandar Simic, an adviser to Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, has told Politika among other things.
Simic said that significant progress would be achieved in terms of decentralization when new municipalities with a Serb majority are created and guarantees offered to the Serbs, through a revision of the Constitutional Framework, that they would be able to protect their rights and interests by means of a qualified majority.
What happens once the new municipalities with a Serb majority are created? Simic said that elections for the municipal authorities would be held first. Once those authorities were constituted, the municipalities with a Serb majority were mutually linked, and they had set up their councils and committees, they would elect lawful Serb representatives to Kosovo's provisional institutions. "We are seeking constitutional guarantees for that, because that is the only way that the Serbs would have an essential role in the decentralization. That is why there has been no progress in the Vienna talks for the time being," Aleksandar Simic said.
Representatives of the Serb List for Kosovo-Metohija can enter the provisional Kosovo institutions at this point, if they like, but they could not represent the Serb community in them but only themselves, Simic said, and recalled that the List had won the support of merely 0.3 per cent of voters in the elections.
Oliver Ivanovic, the leader of the Serb List for Kosovo-Metohija, holds just the opposite view. It is not true that the international community is pressuring the Serbs to enter the Kosovo provisional institutions, Ivanovic has said. He thinks that that initiative is extremely useful for the Serbs and that it is high time that the Kosmet Serbs take part in the work of the provisional institutions. The participation of the Serbs in the work of the provisional institutions is the right solution for a multi-ethnic and democratic Kosovo[, Ivanovic said].
Representatives of the Serb List for Kosmet have conferred with representatives of the Contact Group and sought a "decentralization to fit the Serbs", that is, the creation of seven to nine new municipalities with a Serb majority. They also asked for guarantees that would protect the rights of the Serbs. "The Serbs should get the right of veto in certain matters or it would be requested that decisions on matters of outstanding importance for the Serbs require the support of 50 per cent of the Albanian and 50 per cent of the Serb deputies. Only then will it be possible to say that the Serbs have protected themselves. Because of what I have said, I think that changes will be made in the Constitutional Framework," Oliver Ivanovic said.
In the coming days the Serb List for Kosovo-Metohija will request a meeting with President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica of Serbia, which is to be held within two weeks. At that meeting the state leadership should adopt a final position on the participation of the Kosmet Serbs in the provisional institutions. "If the representatives of the state leadership say that the Serbs should not participate in the provisional institutions, we will ask for a good explanation of that," Oliver Ivanovic said.
In addition to that, the Serb List for Kosovo-Metohija has invited the other Serb political parties in Kosmet to talks on an agreement on the participation of the Serbs' representatives in the work of the provisional institutions. Ivanovic said that the invitation would be open for another two weeks.
Dr Milan Ivanovic, the chairman of the Serb National Council of Northern Kosovo, has responded to the proposal of the Serb List for Kosmet saying that it was not in a democratic spirit for a majority to join a minority but the other way around.
Ivanovic has said that it was the opinion of an overwhelming majority of Kosmet Serbs that the Serbs should not participate in the work of the provisional institutions, because they would in that way only provide legitimacy [for those institutions] and make it seem that Kosovo was a multi-ethnic and democratic society.
Ivanovic categorically said that the majority of Serbs in Kosmet were against Serbs again entering the Kosovo institutions. That is why a possible "yes" by Tadic and Kostunica to the request of the Serb List for Kosmet for the entry of Serbs into the Kosmet institutions would be understood by the Serb National Council as an imprudent one, for which it would hold the state leadership accountable.
[Passage omitted]
Source: Politika, Belgrade, in Serbian 20 Apr 06
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bs all the way through. they don't know what they want. they are lost in space.
How about no Serbs are allowed to enter the Kosovar Government and we'll see where they stand in 20 years. 9-10 cities? With Serb majority?? My ass, and veto POWER?? HAHAHA
Serbs wake up, never in hell will you get that kind of power. Like I said once, an ugly decore--that's all you're ever gonna be.
Nuk je tui nimu situates me keto trimnit tuja. Nuk e di per ty po kur ka qene koha e luftes tone keni pi kafe n'Durres e n'Tetove e tash m'shitni koqe sa trrima jeni me ni blog. Shko shite kete trimni diku tjeter, ketu bohet politike.
Jo vetem qe ketu nuk duhet shite trimni, por duhet tregue njefare kulture qe nenkupton aftesine kombtare per te mund me garantue te gjithe qytetareve te saje jete te qete dhe te lumtur.
Ndihma kosovareve ne kohen me te keqe ju erdhi pse ata ishin viktime e nje regjimi shume te eger dhe cnjerzor. Mos valle ky regjim ka lene pas vetes pasoje duke mbielle sadizem. Sa do qe une mund te kuptoje se njerzit kan mbete me pasoja nga lufta, per te treguar zotesi per udhehequr vendin, kosovaret duhet ngrite koken larte dhe te mendojne pozitivisht. Kjo do te thote nuk duhet postime ku pavarsia e Kosoves shiqohet si kenaqje personale e vetem nje pjese te popullates se saje, por si e drejte e popullates qe ofron zgjidhjen me te mire per jete te qete dhe prosperuese ne kete vend te Evropes.
Populli shumice, shqiptaret pra, duhet te tregojne maturi qe eshte e barabarte me pjekurine politike per te dhene te gjitha sigurite sipas standardeve evropiane per pjestaret e pakicave tjera. Deri sa te bejne kete, do te jene nen mbikqyrje nderkombtare, nga se Evropa nuk mund te jejoj qe ne nje jese te saje dikush te ndien veten te pasigurte.
Nje profet i madh ka thene: "Mos i ben fqiut tuaj ate qe nuk i deshiron vetes". Millosheviqi punoi kunder kesaj porosie dhe nuk i doli mire. Prandaj, si nje intelektual kosovar me pervoje ne mesimdhenie univesitare ne shume vende te botes, ju kisha lutur shume qe te harroni te kaluaren dhe te mendoni per te ardhmen: Kosoven e pavarur europiane ne te cilen nuk do te kete urrejtje midis banoreve te saje pa dallim feje, kombsije dhe ideje.
Drejtuar "intelektualit Kosovar me përvoje mësimdhënie univërsitare nëpër shumë vende të botës",
Mund të them që më pëlqeu shumë shkrimi juaj dhe pajtohem plotësisht me ato që i the, por ju si intelektual duhët ta quani vetën Shqiptar e jo Kosovar (besoj se e dini përse e them këtë).
Poashtu më duhët që t'ua tërheqi vërejtjen për drejtshkrimin tëndë në gjuhën Shqipe (pak si dobët) pasiqë jeni intelektual & mësimdhënës univërsitar.
U faleminderit pë "input-in" tuaj në këtë blog.
Me nderime
Mire qe u gjet edhe dikush me i thone qeti Independence for Kosova me e mshel pak gojen se une jom mundu me ni topic tjeter po me mbeten ne qafe!!! Ne ate topic tipi propagojke qysh me bo mos me u fitu pavarsia ka me pre gra edhe fmi serb!!! Besoni qe kah po fol po ma qon mallin e Sheshelit.
Po ashtu nuk duhet te kallzohemi te bute, se nepermes politikes kta kan me na hanger e me na mashtru krejt. Duhet te tregojm se jemi nuk mundet gjdokush i te na shtyej qysh don ata. Bravo Independence for Kosova qe kallzoni te verteten e ndjenjave kosvare. Se vertet shkiet jan duke lyp shum shum e shum.Mos u quditni nese ndahet kosova edhe niher, nese e pecjellni shum politiken
ME RESPEKT te gjithve
Me arrogance e kercnime si t'Sheshelit nuk i ndihmoni Kosoves. Ju po beheni si ata. Ato jane pallavra t'kota. E perseris edhe 1 here, trimat e kane kallxu veten kur ka qene koha. Tash boni politike.
Kosova eshte shtet demokratik i qytetareve te saj.
BELGRADE -- Mladic has been located in Macedonia, near the Greek border, according to daily Glas Javnosti.
The daily writes that according to Banja Luka daily Fokus, Mladic was located in Macedonia two weeks ago, in a vacationing community on the coast of the Dojranska Lake, near the border with Greece. Fokus’ sources say that Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica has serious intentions of arresting Mladic and extraditing him to The Hague, but is trying in every way possible to make sure that the arrest does not take place on the territory of Serbia.
Fokus claims that this is because Kostunica would like to keep the Government in tact, and the Socialist Party of Serbia is threatening to collapse it if Mladic is arrested.
Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski denied the claims that Mladic is in Macedonia, according to Glas Javnosti.
Serbian Radical Party official Milorad Mrcic said that Mladic’s eventual arrest would show how little Kostunica takes into consideration the feelings of Serbia’s citizens and that arresting Mladic would be yet another betrayal of the Serbian people.
Liberal-Democratic Party President Cedomir Jovanovic that every day is a good day for Mladic to be arrested.
The International Crisis Group’s Balkans expert, James Lion, said that the media creates unnecessary hype before every deadline for the arrest of Mladic and that the international community will believe that Mladic is arrested only when they see him in The Hague. He said that Mladic will not be arrested because the Serbian Government is using the situation as a trump card for the Kosovo question.
Te Lumte se artikull i Mire shume me informacione te nevojshme, me pelqen kure nja shqiptar/shqiptare tregon te verten edhe ate qe di shume bukure.
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