Thursday, April 07, 2005

Clinton: "the pope had demonstrated support for NATO actions to end genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo"

Clinton said the pope had demonstrated support for NATO actions to end genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo.

"I think he favored defensive wars, if you will, or wars in defense of innocent people being slaughtered," Clinton said.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

95% of the population there call it KOSOVA.
Shouldn't they be the people who decide what the name of that future sovreign and independent country is?

Anonymous said...

95% of the population are ethnic kosovo albanians

kosovo means field of black birds

while kosova means nothing...

not even nostradomous could have predicted whats going to happen in the future for the ppl of kosovo.. so how can you?

Anonymous said...

Geez, relax on the Kosovo/Kosova business. Kosovo is the accepted way in English, but Kosova is how the Albanians say it--so no big deal either way. Turin/Torino, Germany/Deutschland, Croatia/Hrvatsk so what?

Anonymous said...
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