Sunday, October 09, 2005

Prime Minister of Kosovо on the talks for the final status of the province

Prishtina, 7 October 2005
Message of the Prime Minister of Kosova Mr. Bajram Kosumi to the citizens of Kosova, on the occasion of submission of the report of Ambassador Kai Eide for Kosova, from UNSG Mr. Kofi Annan to the UNSC

Dear citizens of Kosova,

These days we are entering the most important period in the history of Kosova.

UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, has submitted the report of Ambassador Eide for Kosova, recommending the initiation of talks for the final status of Kosova. This process opens the perspective for creating the state of Kosova. Together we have gone through these difficult years, and the war for creation of the state was long and hard.

In six years after the war we have built a democratic order, based on citizens’ values. We have fulfilled standard after standard, we have compiled law after law in order to prepare Kosova for becoming a state.

We were able to conduct our war together and together we will create our state and peace.

We never forgot the people who gave their lives for Kosova. We never forgot the missing; those who where in prison for years; those who gave their knowledge, sweat and wealth for the state of Kosova. However, we never forgot that the road towards the freedom of Kosova was and remains the essence of our work.

There is still much to be done. Our aim is to create our state and to place it in the Unified Europe.

The state of Kosova will be based on law and order, on respecting human values and on building citizens’ democracy. Independent Kosova will be a factor of stability in the region.

Kosova will have a great perspective and will become an economic power; however this can be done only if Kosova becomes a state.

Kosova will not be an isolated place or a place of suppression. It will be an example of multi-ethnicity and respect for human rights of every citizen of Kosova, regardless of his/her ethnicity.

Dear citizens of Kosova,

In this phase when all the eyes are focused in Kosova, we need our unity more than ever. Today, Kosova needs to speak with one voice, the voice of reason and conscience. Today, Kosova needs from us, citizens and politicians, to leave behind our angers and political games and to unite around our common goal.

Our nation knew how to be united whenever there was a need.

Kosova Delegation on final status is an example of the creation of unity, whereas the institutions are the guarantee for it.

Dear citizens of Kosova,

Let us turn our patriotism into pragmatism, let us create a pact of understanding among ourselves and create the state together. And when we do it, together again we will bring important decisions that concern our everyday lives. Then we will improve our wellbeing, but until then, in a manly manner we have to face the difficulties and overcome them without tensions. We have to do this for the sake of our forefathers, for ourselves and above all - for our children.

Prishtina, 7 October 2005

Source: Kosovo PM (press release)

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